Beating the January blues

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Hi there!

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. Mine was super fun, spent with my family doing the usual - eating too much! I think by now most of us will be gradually getting back into the swing of things, putting the Christmas decorations away and getting back to reality.

January can be a difficult month for many. It can be tough to remain focused and stay positive. Some of us use the new year as a fresh start. Some are trying to detox or do dry January or even spend less...generally just trying break bad habits and embed good ones.

I have just included a few ways that we can combat these feelings and get through what can feel like the longest month below:


If your goal is to save up some money or to lose some weight or to get that promotion, put reminders around for yourself so you are continually reminded of why you are doing what you're doing. I do this by changing the background on my phone to something I am working towards or putting up mood boards around my bedroom that include images of what I'm striving towards. Seeing it in front of you often really does act as a reminder and give you that boost when you need it.


'celebrate the little wins' 

The little wins will keep you feeling positive and motivated and remind yourself of the journey that you're on. If you're saving up for something, treat yourself to a little motivational gift. If you're trying to lose weight, go out for a cheat meal once in a while. If you're going for that promotion, keep those emails where your boss is praising you. It seriously helps when you reach that plateau in progress!


I know that this blog is talking about the struggle of staying positive in January and that this may seem like I'm stating the obvious but don't underestimate the power of a positive attitude! If you believe you can do something, you will do it! On those days when you're feeling a bit low, do something to tackle it and raise those endorphins in your body. Go for a run, go get some retail therapy, go eat some chocolate! Do what makes you happy to get yourself back to your happy place, and then start again. There is no shame in having a setback, as long as you are able to get yourself back up from it.

I hope you enjoyed this blog, it's a little different for me, but I really enjoyed writing it!

Make sure you check out what I'm getting up to on a daily basis via my Instagram @thestylecount


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